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A Matter of Media and Mental Health

The continued stream of news and media stories impact our moods, our surroundings and perceptions, and peoples overall mental health and well-being. Through new and established connections and different communication channels, we are learning how to absorb and process information. Realizing how important it is to interpret the news and countless media coverage in a healthy and mindful way, is of utmost importance. Hear from a media pro, who helps us dissect the responsibility news outlets carry when covering general media stories and specifically the topic of mental health and wellness. We learn about the value of establishing healthy boundaries while staying informed.



Avenue Magazine

Good News Network

History of Media Timeline

Positive News

“Real or Fake News” Activity Sheet 

The 5 C’s of Critical Thinking 


The views and opinions expressed during the Recovery is Possible: A Mental Health Podcast series, are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of CMHA Calgary Region Centre for Excellence in Recovery and Peer Support and its affiliates.

The purpose of this podcast series is to:

  • educate on the model of recovery and that building resilience is a possibility on the journey of mental health and well-being;
  • raise awareness of the importance of mental health and wellness
  • inform on the provincial access to CMHA Recovery Colleges providing free courses helping individuals and families develop their own resourcefulness.

The podcast is available for private, non-commercial use only and may not be edited or modified.